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Information for Physicians & Other Medical Providers

lady and boy - Information for Physicians & Other Medical ProvidersPhysicians & other medical providers play a critically important role in identifying patients who could benefit from Orofacial Myology therapy.

Physicians & other medical providers are presented with poor facial tone in patients. Orofacial Myology benefits adults as well as children. The therapy can work for patients of all ages because it is exercise-based.

Common disorders presented in the adult population include tongue thrust, clenching and bruxing (grinding), Muscular TMD, open mouth rest posture, chronic cheek biting, drooling and a degeneration of facial tonality due to age.

Pediatrician - Information for Physicians & Other Medical ProvidersPhysicians & other medical providers can find out more about working with Cherry Creek Orofacial Myology by contacting us or by requesting a Lunch & Learn for your office and staff.